Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are complex and sensitive technologies that need to be handled responsibly, especially when applied in a field such as healthcare. At Pacmed we are pioneers in building medical ML. This puts us at the forefront of innovation, where little to no maps are available.
Pacmed Labs is involved in applied research in areas that are relevant to the use of AI and ML in healthcare, paying special attention to the preconditions for careful and responsible use of this state-of-the-art technology. In addition, we strive for scientific validation of all steps of development and implementation, as well as education on all aspects of data-driven care.
Pacmed Labs is built on four key commitments: adherence to scientific method, awareness of the societal impact of AI, willingness to bridge academia and industry, and open source results.
Pacmed Labs works together with independent (academic) partners to ensure that the results from Pacmed Labs benefit everyone.