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Privacy Statement

Pacmed takes your privacy very seriously and therefore will use and process your personal data with the utmost care and necessary safeguards. In this privacy statement we’ll explain to you what data Pacmed processes and for what purpose. Pacmed always acts in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We advise you to carefully read this privacy statement. If you have any questions or need further information about the contents of this statement, please do not hesitate to contact us through


  1. What is Pacmed and how can I get in touch with Pacmed?
  2. To whom does this privacy statement apply?
  3. What personal data does Pacmed process, for what purpose, on what legal basis and for how long?
  4. In which cases does Pacmed disclose my personal data to third parties?
  5. Transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
  6. What are my rights?
  7. What are cookies and how does Pacmed use them?
  8. How does Pacmed protect my personal data?
  9. Is this Privacy Statement subject to change?
  10. Where can I file a complaint?

1. What is Pacmed and how can I get in touch with Pacmed?

The party responsible for the processing of personal data is Pacmed B.V., with offices and domiciled at (1072 AB) Amsterdam, at Stadhouderskade 55, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 64013553.

All questions about Pacmed’s processing of personal data can be directed to, through regular mail addressed to Stadhouderskade 55, 1072 AB Amsterdam, and by telephone on phone number +31 6 29 29 27 97.

If you have any questions or wishes regarding your personal data, you can also contact Pacmed’s Data Protection Officer:
Naam: Lora Mourcous

2. To whom does this privacy statement apply?

This privacy statement applies to anyone who provides his or her personal information to Pacmed when using the website or during other contact with Pacmed, for example when you submit an application or respond to a vacancy, when you fill out the contact form on the website and when you subscribe to the Pacmed newsletter.

3. What personal data does Pacmed process, what for, on what legal basis, and for how long?

Below is an overview of the purposes for which Pacmed processes your personal data. In this overview, Pacmed indicates the data Pacmed uses for a specific purpose, what the legal basis is for processing these data, and how long Pacmed stores the data. To keep things organised, we have grouped everything by type of data stream.


Pacmed would like to keep you informed about the development of its services. In case of an update or an extension, Pacmed would like to notify you. Pacmed can also keep you informed of events that Pacmed organises or has organised.

On our website you can subscribe to Pacmed’s newsletter. To do this, you must provide Pacmed with your email address. Pacmed processes your email address in order to send the newsletter based on your consent. If you no longer wish to receive emails from Pacmed, Pacmed offers the possibility to unsubscribe in every email.
Pacmed keeps your email address for as long as you’re subscribed to the newsletter and for no longer than six (6) months after unsubscribing.

Other commercial communication

In case Pacmed processes your contact information regarding an already existing business relationship, Pacmed may send you direct marketing communication relating to similar products and services. The processing of your email address is based on Pacmed’s legitimate interest.
Pacmed offers the possibility to opt-out of receiving these emails in every email.
Pacmed keeps your email address for no longer than six (6) months after opt-ing out of receiving direct marketing.


Pacmed is happy to speak to anyone with questions or complaints. You can therefore contact Pacmed in various ways. For example, you can call, email or write us.

Depending on how you contact us, Pacmed processes various of your personal details, including your name, e-mail address, telephone number, your message or question, and any other details that you have included in your message.

The processing of your personal data is necessary for the satisfaction of Pacmed’s legitimate interests, namely to be able to respond to your message and to be able to serve you efficiently. 

Pacmed stores your personal information for as long as needed to reply to your message and removes it within one (1) year after the last moment of contact.


Pacmed uses the personal data the applicant encloses exclusively to ensure and enable a responsible, effective and efficient recruitment and selection process.

Pacmed collects and processes data from applicants directly or through forms, the internal employment website or through personal contacts, telephone calls and / or e-mail. Pacmed processes the data and documents you provide, including contact details, CV and motivation letter, in order to:

  • Determine whether you are eligible for the vacancy you applied for or, in case of an open application, to determine whether you are eligible for a position within Pacmed;
  • Carry out an assessment;
  • Implement or apply a law. 

Pacmed will compare your personal data with the vacancy (or vacancies) and the associated qualifications and through the contact details you provide, Pacmed will inform you and keep you informed of the procedure. In addition, Pacmed uses your data to assess if you qualify for a job other than the position you applied for.

Pacmed processes the following data in that context:

  • Your surname, first name(s), initials, title(s), gender, date of birth, address, postcode, place of residence, telephone number and similar communication such as your e-mail address;
  • Nationality and place of birth;
  • Information about the studies, courses and internships you have followed and will follow;
  • Information about the nature and content of your current employment and details about the termination thereof;
  • Information about the nature and content of previous employment contracts and termination thereof;
  • Other information you provide for the purpose of qualifying for the position, or information and facts about you that are known;

These processing operations are necessary for the representation of the legitimate interest of Pacmed. In this case that interest consists of recruiting suitable new personnel. Pacmed stores the data of applicants during the recruitment and selection procedure.

Pacmed removes your application information no later than four (4) weeks after the termination or completion of the application process (in case of a rejection). Pacmed only saves your application data for one (1) year with your consent in order to be able to inform you if a suitable function is available for you at a later date. As soon as you revoke your consent, Pacmed will remove your data within four (4) weeks.

Automatically generated data

In order for the website to work optimally (for example, to be able to display pages properly and to secure the website), Pacmed needs certain information. Pacmed therefore automatically collects generated information about your use of the website. This information consists of your IP address and other log information (such as type of browser, date and time of access, cookie ID and URL referrer).

Pacmed needs this information to ensure that the website works optimally. The processing of these personal data is therefore necessary for the representation of the legitimate interests of Pacmed.

The data will be deleted within fourteen (14) months.

4. In which cases does Pacmed disclose my personal data to third parties?

Pacmed uses external companies, subcontractors and / or suppliers (so-called processors) who carry out specific tasks or assignments on Pacmed’s request and with whom your personal data can be shared. These service providers process your personal data exclusively on behalf of Pacmed. The processing by some service providers is subject to a so-called processor agreement, in which Pacmed has ensured that the service provider will only process the personal data on behalf of Pacmed. Some examples of processors are:

  • External hosting providers, including cloud providers for the storage and management of your data;
  • External parties with applications / tools, including in the field of recruitment / assessments, personnel management and administration;
  • External parties to whom specific tasks have been outsourced that include IT support, e-mail marketing and facility management;
  • External advisors and / or consultants.

In addition, Pacmed can provide your personal data to external parties, such as the police and government institutions if Pacmed is authorised or required to do so by virtue of the applicable laws and / or regulations, by means of a court order or a legal verdict, or by your permission to do so.

5. Transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

Personal data that Pacmed collects and processes in the context of your employment contract is stored in the Netherlands and not transferred to parties outside the EEA.

6. What are my rights?

The privacy legislation grants you a number of rights with regard to your data and their processing:

  • Access: You have the right to access your personal data and additional information about the processing of your personal data.
  • Rectification: You have the right to request a rectification of incorrect or incomplete personal data. If possible, you can provide additional personal information in order to complete the collection of personal data.
  • Erasure: In some cases you have the right to request Pacmed to delete your personal data.
  • Restriction of processing: In certain circumstances, you may request Pacmed to restrict the processing of your personal data, for example when you have disputed the accuracy of your personal data. If the request is honored, during the term of the limitation Pacmed will not further process the personal data concerned unless this is permitted on the basis of the GDPR.
  • Object: You have the right to object to the processing of personal data based on the legitimate interests of Pacmed.
  • Data portability: You have the right to receive at your request the personal data that you have provided to Pacmed in a structured, standard and machine-readable form and you have the right to forward this information to another controller.

Note: the above rights are not absolute. This means that Pacmed does not have to comply in all cases with a request to exercise one of the aforementioned rights.

You can submit your request to Pacmed via Pacmed will respond to your request as soon as possible, and in any case within one (1) month of receipt of the request. If necessary, this period can be extended by two (2) months, depending on the complexity of the request(s) and the number of them. Pacmed will inform you within one (1) month of receipt of the request if such an extension will take place, stating the reason for the delay.

If Pacmed takes no action to meet your request, Pacmed will inform you as soon as possible, but in any case no later than thirty (30) days after receiving the request about the reasons for not taking action. In that case you also have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority and to lodge an appeal with the court.

7. What are cookies and how does Pacmed use them?

Cookies are small pieces of (text) information that are sent to your browser when you visit the website and then stored on the hard disk or in the memory of your computer, tablet and / or mobile phone (device). The browser can return this information on a subsequent visit to the website. The cookies placed via the website cannot damage your device or the files stored on it. 

Pacmed uses technical and functional and analytical cookies, which are necessary to deliver the website in a user-friendly manner or to obtain information about the quality or effectiveness of the website. Besides cookies we can use techniques similar to cookies, such as tracking pixels which may be used for the same purpose as cookies, please refer to the paragraph on email tracking for the newsletter below. 

If you want to learn more about cookies, please visit the website  

Validity period. Cookies have a certain period of validity from the moment they are placed on your device. Some cookies are only valid during a browsing session and are removed once you close your browser (session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device, until a predetermined time period has passed or you delete them (persistent cookies). Please refer to the guidelines on how to manage cookie settings below.

Functional cookies. Functional cookies are essential for the lay-out and navigation of our website. It concerns cookies that are placed for the sole purpose of making communication via an electronic communication network easier or which are strictly necessary to provide your requested services from the information society service. For example, functional cookies remember the completed settings, such as your language preferences. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, functional cookies may be placed without your consent. These cookies have no or little consequence to your privacy. 

Analytical cookies. These cookies are used by Pacmed to collect statistical information and gain insight into the way visitors use our website. For example, it concerns cookies that tell us how often a website is visited, what information visitors are looking for and which pages are the most visited. We can use this information to improve our website. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, analytical cookies may be placed without your consent when they are of no or little consequence to your privacy.

How to manage cookie settings. For most browsers it is possible to adapt browser settings in such a way that you get a warning before a cookie is placed. In most cases it is also possible to set up your browser is such a way that all cookies, or only third-party cookies are refused. Furthermore, you can delete all cookies placed on your device. Please keep in mind that is necessary to adapt the settings of every browser and device you use.

If you decide to block or deleted certain cookies, it is possible that (certain functions on) the website will not function optimally. For your convenience, we have included some links below on how to change the cookie settings on the most used internet browsers:

Overview cookies. In the overview below, you see which cookies we use exactly.

Name TypePurpose Validity 
__cf_bmFunctionalThis cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection. Can be multiple with the same name, one per CDN. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies. 30 minutes
__hs_initial_opt_inFunctionalThis cookie is used to prevent the banner from always displaying when visitors are browsing in strict mode. It contains the string “yes” or “no”.7 days
__hs_opt_outFunctionalThis cookie is used by the opt-in privacy policy to remember not to ask the visitor to accept cookies again. This cookie is set when you give visitors the choice to opt out of cookies. It contains the string “yes” or “no”.6 months
__hsscFunctionalThis cookie keeps track of sessions. This is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.30 minutes
__hssrcAnalyticsWhenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session. It contains the value “1” when present.Session
__hstcAnalyticsThe main cookie for tracking visitors with HubSpot. It contains the domain, hubspotutk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).6 months
_cfuvidFunctionalThis cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider because of their rate limiting policies. Can be multiple with the same name, one per CDN. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies. Session
hubspotutkAnalyticsThis cookie keeps track of a visitor’s identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor.6 months

Email tracking for the newsletter. Pacmed has processed email tracking and link tracking functionality in its newsletters by embedding a small, transparent image pixel in the outgoing email.

As soon as the email is opened, Pacmed can access certain information, such as the name and surname of the recipient; the email address of the recipient; subject of the email; date and time the email was sent; confirmation that the recipient has received the email; confirmation that the recipient has opened the email after it has been received; timestamp of each time the email is opened; the history of the number of times (number, date and time) that the recipient has opened the received email; IP address from which the email was opened; browser and operating system used by the recipient who opened the email; number of links containing the email; text and URL of those links; number of times the recipient clicked on each of these links; timestamp of each click on the link; IP from where the link was clicked on and browser and operating system that were used by the person who clicked on the link.

The processing of these personal data is necessary for Pacmed’s legitimate interests, namely to analyse the reach and effectiveness of the emails Pacmed sends.

8. How does Pacmed protect my personal data?

Pacmed takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal and other data against loss or against any form of unlawful processing.

9. Is this privacy statement subject to change?

This privacy statement can be changed, in which case these changes will be announced on the website. We therefore advise you to regularly read the privacy statement for possible changes.

10. Where can I file a complaint?

If you suspect that there has been an infringement of data protection legislation (GDPR) and the issue cannot be settled in mutual consultation between you and Pacmed, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. In the Netherlands this is the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)’. 

Last updated June 7th 2024